Trimmed eyebrows?..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not really.
BUT OH MY GOD LOOK AT HER! She's beautiful.


Gurney said...

lol wow!

Anonymous said...

I am blessed with thick dark eyebrows I guess. And most people can create that look if they are naturally beautiful and have a really dark eyebrow pencil hehe

Eazy P said...

Meh, too bushy.

Copyboy said...

A goddess with a bit of groucho marks.

Lemmiwinks said...

Cool story, bro!
Following your blog

iMonei said...

who acres about the browns with that bodu

miecak said...

Her eyebrows do stand out :/

Lexsa said...

Yet let me obtain my wish. Following!

123 said...

A liiiiiiiiiiiiittle too thick for my tastes

Willow said...

Still cute with the eyebrows.

SpringyB said...

If you look hard enough you can see a motorcycle.

Anonymous said...

She has some very nice rings. Nice eyes too.

David Davidson said...

There are some nice features to her but in the end I don't find her extremely attractive.

Now, Susan Coffey.... Don't even get me started on that woman... :3

Longkid said...

Indeed. The eyebrows would not have bothered me if you didn't mention them though.

Anonymous said...

She's pretty gotta love the eyebrows!

Lexsa said...

waiting for news

happybuffet said...

Her face is too strong and defined for my tastes. I like softer faces.

SuciƓ Sanchez said...

Too much.

Anonymous said...

I reely like your post!
I follow you dayle!nice work Bro!

Anonymous said...

It's a fucking jungle up there, jesus raptor christ, those eyebrows ruin everything else about her.

The Liquor Guy said...

Very nice!

Tsipise said...

She should trim them.

shahidj said...

so freakin pretty

Sugar said...

sugar just visited you..;)

Poster said...

very nice
how much

IQuotes said...

I didn't notice the eyebrows at first.
Still nice;)

Anonymous said...

She really is beautiful. Maybe the eyebrows could use a little work though, lol.

Shimizu said...

i'd hit that

Tsipise said...

Nice article. Waiting for the next.

Lewis said...

pretty nice post ;)

Shugo said...

shes hot! though if she did trim her eyebrows, she be even hotter!

honkhonkpt said...

Those look more like caterpillars than eyebrows...

Lexsa said...


Anonymous said...

She is indeed gorgeous!

Derek said...

my shes a cutie, following for more
check out my blog if you got a chance

Sweet Lily said...

Hmm, nice.

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